Sunday, March 24, 2013

Arduino Nano atmega328p low power usage (sleep, etc)

Power usage Arduino Nano w/ Mega328p
*Please note, having the MK2 programmer connected = + 20uA
*Please note, I`m using cheap china multimeter.

3400uA @
-removed 7805 lin. psu
-mega running at ext. clock (original bootloader / fuses Arduino Nano)

680uA @ conditions:
-removed 7805 lin. psu
-mega running at ext. clock (original bootloader / fuses Arduino Nano)
-USB not connected.
-PSU @ 4.8vDC

-mega:  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);

186uA @ conditions
-PSU @ 4.8vDC
-mega:  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);

Ayyy.. time is up for today, wife is calling me... to be continued eh.. :)

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